Introducing Helen
Having struggled with hearing loss all my life, I know only too well how everyday life can be more challenging as a result.
I’ve been a student of lipreading for many years and have personally experienced how helpful it can be in conversations with people who can hear.
Today I’m a fully qualified lipreading tutor and a member of ATLA (Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults). In fact, I’m the only qualified active lipreading tutor in Nottinghamshire.
Lipreading has an important role to play in improving the lives of people with hearing loss. I’m passionate about what it has to offer and making it available to others.
Lipreading classes have given me the chance to be in a supportive environment and meet people from all walks of life, who also have a hearing loss. We share our skills and knowledge to help manage our hearing loss, at home, at work and socially.
Before becoming a lipreading tutor, I was an IT systems project manager in industry and higher education for over 20 years. I’ve also taught A Level Computing and various levels of IT skills for local colleges and community organisations, and I hold a Certificate in Education (Further Education).
As a lipreading tutor and experienced teacher, I believe I can help people with a hearing loss navigate their way more easily through our noisy world.
Introducing lipreading
Lipreading can offer you a lifeline, enabling you to be more confident and to take an active part in many situations and conversations.
Learning how to lipread enables you to make sense of what people are saying to you, by identifying and understanding visual clues:
• The movements of the mouth, teeth and tongue
• Facial expressions
• Body language and gestures
Find out more about my lipreading classes.